Welcome to Coatesville Tennis Club

Coatesville Tennis Club welcomes all new members, currently 300+.

We're now open, please use the Book a Court facility to lock in your booking; please see below to find out how to get access.

Return to Tennis Guideline

Collecting participant details at tennis venues

Why should your club be collecting participant details?

Under the current Tennis Victoria Return to Tennis Guidelines and Return to Tennis Toolkit we have recommended that all tennis venues who open for play should be tracking all participants entering their venue. It is important during these times to know who is at your venue and have their contact details, should a COVID-19 outbreak occur, and you are required to communicate with users.

What is a QR code?

A QR code works exactly like a barcode. Visitors to your club will be able to scan the QR code with the camera on their mobile phone. This will then automatically direct them to a website where they can enter their personal contact details, which you will be able to access and track.

How does it work?

When a mobile phone camera hovers over the QR code a notification will appear on the phone taking your visitor directly to your club’s tracing website. From the website you will be able to download a list of everyone who has used the QR code and entered your facility. All data entered in VisitSafe is held securely and is available only to the VisitSafe account holders. Visitor data will be deleted after 28 days.

In the ineterest of following government guidelines and keeping everyone safe as we return to the tennis court, we ask all visitors to check-in with contact details at each visit.

Please use your mobile phone or other internet enabled device to snap the QR code on this poster or visit www.visitsafe.at/coatesvilletc and complete the form presented.

Follow this process each time you visit and please contact the committee if you have any questions or need assistance.

Thank you for visiting and for helping us keep the community safe.




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